Zen Cart Templates 2013 : New Free Elegant Simple - Download Free - Bagi Anda yang suka Blogging dan anda ingin gemar ataupun suka pada Zen Cart Template, perlu diketahui bahwa Ini adalah template Zen Cart terbaru pada tahun 2013 ini dan template Zen Cart ini yang kita pilihkan paling keren dan cool serta tepat untuk anda...hehe perlu kita ketahui bahwa Template di bawah ini adalah Template Zen Cart Paling baru Serta template dengan modifikasi terbaru dengan desain elegant serta simple dan ringan untuk sebuah templaten bagi penggunanya disertai desain unik dengan dominasi warna pink namun sangat indah untuk dipandang pada tampilkan di blog ini serta dapat membuat pembaca blog anda menjadi betah dengan tampilan baru blog anda tersebut.
1. Simple Zen Cart Templates 2013
Classification :
Zencart White Yellow Simple Theme Template Design Download, Awesome Friendly SEO Zen Cart, Web2.0 Style, Fixed width, White, Tested and Work Fine On IE 6.0 & 7.0, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9.02, Google Chrome and Safari Web Browsers, 3 Columns, Professional Design, Compatible With Zen cart versions 1.3.8, 1.3.9 and Subversions, CSS Buttons for Easy Text Change, Rounded Corners, Orange, Right and Left Sidebars, The template is FREE to use under the Creative Commons Attribute License (creativecommons.org/about/licenses) Please Read The GPL License.txt and Read Me.txt Files For More Informations, This Template has passed XHTML 1.0 Strict! & CSS level 2.1, Don't Forget To Share This Article if You Like It.
2.Pink Zen Cart Templates 2013
Download Template
Classification :
Amazing Cute Awesome Free Pink Floral Green Zen Cart Theme Template Design Download, One Of The Fresh Grunge Pink Green Zencart Themes Templates Free Download With Pink Floral Background, Green Sexy Tabs, Ready Shopping Cart Module, Super flexible design perfect for all types of ecommerce stores--the possibilites are endless! Fixed width 2 or 3 column display, Matching button set included, Matching icons, Custom header with header search box, shopping cart total number of items, and dollar amount, and header text ad, Fully customizable header drop down mega menu with quick links, shop, brands, info (includes admin configurable ez pages), connect with us (with facebook, twitter, youtube, pinterest, google plus, and blog), and service (with customizable text and images), Home Page slideshow included, Tabbed home page centerbox content for New Products, Featured Products, and Specials, Add This social bookmarking added to all product pages (includes Facebook like button, Twitter Tweet Button, and 300+ Sharing Services), Custom footer featuring a footer menu with contact information (telephone and link to contact us page), information, customer support, and useful links (ez pages), integrated, optional links to your Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Pinterest, Google Plus, and blog, and optional, customizable links to payment options, Cross Browser tested using Firefox, IE9, IE8, IE7, IE6, Google Chrome, Opera, and Safari, W3C Valid XHTML and CSS, Comes with the following modules installed: Column Layout Grid, About Us Page, Footer Menu, Column Divider Pro, Designer Monthly Boxes, CSS Horizontal Dropdown Menu, No changes to core files, Detailed html readme file with written tutorials and screen shots and links to videos of the installation and customization steps, Fully compatible with versions 1.3.8, 1.3.9, 1.5. Would probably work with lower versions although it has not been tested. If You Found This Post Interesting PleaseShare this.
Zen Cart Templates 2013 : New Free Elegant Simple - Download Free - Semoga template diatas dapat membuat sobat senang dan aku berharap dapat membantu serta bermanfaat bagi para sobat semuanya . Kami dari DOWNLOAD TEMPLATE BLOGGER GRATIS serta Sumber Kitamenyampaikan trimakasi Atas Kunjungan Sobat...n_n dan jika ada yang kurang serta saran bagi kami silahkan teman teman bisa berkomentar di bawah ini...trimakasi...n_n